Saturday, August 17, 2024

Veraison - Grapes Ripening

Historically average for the grapes to start ripening is around August 15/16 for us. Earliest is a few days into August and the latest around the 26th of August. 

We are right on target for historical averages and we are seeing the Castel, Leon Millot and Marquette showing colour and a bit on the Marechal Foch as well. Foch is typically a few days behind those others. Photo taken Aug 15 & 16.


Leon Millot


The L'Acadie is looking good (photo below) and Evangeline is suffered some bud damage this past winter.

Crazy bad year for wasps and leaf hoppers. Been at least 10yrs since wasps were this bad...going to be "fun" at harvest as the wasps love the grapes.