Saturday, July 13, 2024

Mid July - Fruit Set

As of July 13 we are seeing good fruit set on the vines with a bit less so on the L'Acadie but overall ok. We had about 3 cool and rainy days right when L'Acadie was in the midst of flowering.

The new vines are growing well and most at top wire. We should get some Marquette this year if all goes well. In the picture below the new vines are in the foreground and old vines in desperate need of thinning are in the background near the house.

Here is the older vines, below, just about to get a good hair cut. These are Marechal Foch and they pretty much send out a primary and secondary shoot at each node. So all secondary come off and we shoot thin the primary ones as well.

This time of year involves shoot thinning and positioning and weed management. While these are not particularly labour intensive it's  great to have help on these so big thank you to Jim.