Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bud Break 2024

 So we have a better picture of how the vines made out through this past winter with the -27c cold snap. With bud break we can really see how they are.

Our Marechal Foch came through fantastic, some die back but overall strong. Leon Millot, sibling vine of Foch, got hit by the cold, probably 50% bud death but its still early to tell. The photo below shows a side by side comparison of Foch row ( fore ground) showing lots of grean leafy buds, and the next row over is Leon Millot with very few buds showing.

The L'Acadie did predicted the vines located in areas with soil deficientcies got hit hard..really hard with some trunck death. But those vines that entered winter healthy have alot of live buds and look to be very fruitful. Photo below showing buds with 2-3 flower clusters.

Now that danger of frost has passed we are trimming back the vines to a more normal bud count. We will adjust again in June. Phoro below of Foch getting a good hair cut.