Saturday, June 1, 2024

How Are Your Grapes Doing?

Typical question that comes up in conversation around the vineyard is how are the grapes. So far, so good is the correct answer for us right now..saying "right now" as there are so many stages of growth between now and harvest and potential pitfalls along the way - you cant really speak to a future state.

Last blog I wrote about the side by side difference between the row of Marechal Foch and Leon Millot. The photo below shows the Foch in the fore ground and Leon the next row over. The Foch was showing lots of buds pushing at this time and the Leon showed hardly any buds. Fast forward 2 weeks later and you can see in the next photo that the Leon is really pushing lots of buds now and catching up to the Foch - nice!

The Marquette came throught the winter well and should reach top wire this year and showing at least 2 flower clusters on each shoot. (photo below).

The Marechal Foch rows are looking good so far as well (photo below), most are in 4 leaf stage and on target for a "normal" spring. With average heat in June we should see flowering around the 24th of June.

The L'Acadie, Castel and Evangeline all took a bit of a hit this year. Castel the worst and requires some cordon and trunk re-growth. Having said that, they will all produce to varying degrees this year. 

Lots of snow still in the mountains yet, and really quite stunning this time of the year, with the green valleys - doesn't get old.